Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mr. Green

I´m green?

Hello friends, how are you? Today I’m going to write about a very important topic: The care of our environment. Nowadays everybody has been listened about global warming, and many organizations have been created to reduce the risk of this weather change, and many people with little daily actions try to contribute and reduce their carbon footprint. We can do some little actions to reduce our footprint, for example we can recycle, plant trees, don´t throw garbage on the floor, try to use less as possible the car, etc.

Guys biclycling in the city.
So, the question is How Green I am? Well, this is not an easy question. In first place I don’t like the term green to refer to the people who cares about the environment. For example so many companies, like coca cola, mc Donald, and others use the term green to express that they are ecologist, but certainly they are very polluting. If you want to help the environment, you are welcome, but not destroy the Amazonas please.

Every one leaves a carbon footprint, so the mission is to reduce as less possible this footprint. What do I? In my house we recycle plastics, paper and glasses and in my daily life I try to don’t throw garbage. I think that the earth is for everyone and we have to cooperate to take care of it.

I could use a car to come to University, but I prefer to use the bike, not only because it is not polluting, is more fun bicycling than driving. I’ve never been in any eco-organization, but I was scout long time, and we cared about the environment. Also we have a compost in the house to use the biodegradable garbage.
I think that Santiago has to motivate the use of bicycle, making bikeways and educating the car drivers, because they, sometimes, doesnt know how to react where they drive near of a biker. And of course, Santiago has to improve the public system of transport, especially the subway.
Well. That was all by today.

See you and try to be friendly with the environment. 

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