Tuesday, November 26, 2013

2013 - 2014

Waiting for 2014

Hello friends, we are in November, and we only have a month before the year is out. So today I’m going to do a little evaluation of this year 2013.

Well, this it wasn’t a really good year, but I don’t believe that it has been horrible. According the Chinese people it was the snake year, characterized by changes… I don’t usually these things, but my year started with a very big change for me. I was scout since when I was 11, and this summer I left scouts and it was little hard for me, but I think that it was a good choice. Anyway, my last summer camp was amazing, a very good experience.

In February I went to Antofagasta to see my brothers (they live there) and it was a really good experience for me, because it was the first time that we could talk as a man about our things. Then I travelled to Europe with my parents and it was so good to because I really wanted to know Europe… it’s very beautiful and I would love to go back. Well, these were my summer vacations.

I think that it has been a quiet year… nothing really big has been happened yet – with exception of my retirement of the scouts – This year my bike has stolen, and I’ve been looking for job all this semester and I couldn’t find… well I don’t really need a job because my parents can support me, but I would like to make my own money… so I hope that I could find a job for the next year.http

I don’t know how to evaluate this year, I think it was extremely quiet….i don’t know if it is good or bad. Well I hope that 2014 will be better.

See you!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Eating food

Hello friends! How are you?

I’m ending the semester and I have so many things to do. Anyway I’ll write a post for you. Today my post will try about food and eating habit.

I think that eat is one of most important things of my life… obvious, if you don’t eat you will die. But we don’t eat anything. Some people doesn’t eat meat, other people are allergic to the seafood and other people doesn’t like some food, for example I don’t like beetroot, I really tried for years, but it have no case. It could be an a biologic thing? Psychological thing? In taste there’s nothing written, above all in food.

Burned rice
Well, usually I eat anything, less beetroot, but if I’m in a situation that I have to eat it certainly I will. I prefer to eat beetroot than be hungry. I was scout in we used to eat some disgusting things… burned rice, annealed noodles, etc.

I usually eat fast food, not in a restaurant like mc Donald’s or Burger king’s, but in the university I buy hot dogs, and food like these.

Pastel de choclo.
One of my favorite food is the chilean food, and my favorite dish is the corn cake (pastel de choclo) that’s one of the reason that I love the summer… I would like to eat one right now. I like the chilean food, but I love to try foreigner food when I have the opportunity.

Well… that’s all folks!

See you in other post.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Remember, remember.... my childhood days

Hello friends. Today I'm going to write about my childhood.
I was born in Santiago, in December of 1990 and I passed my first days living with my parents in my grandmother's house in Ñuñoa, then we moved to another house, and then to another... and then to another (my actual house). 
I remember my childhood as a happy chapter in my life. I don’t know what is my earliest memory, but I can remember when I went to my first school…  I think I was four. And I remember a day that it rained and a rainbow appeared in the sky, it was very nice.
When I was child I wanted to be cartoonist of cartoons, actually I remember that I went with a friend to a cartoon classes. In these times I loved to draw, and today too, but only when I get bored.
I had neighborhood friends and we used to play on the square near our houses with toy cars and things like these. And we used to play “a las escondidas” and other classics child games. I remember that I had a supernintendo in my house, and I used to invite my neighborhood friends to my home to play, but one day they bought a playstation and then they never came back to get out of their home and I didn't hear something about they anymore.
I learned to ride a bicycle when I was nine… a little old. I learned because all my friends used to go to cycle so I had to learn, and I believe that it was one of my learning, because nowadays I love to ciclyng. It was one of my best experience of my life, I felled like I was flying… was amazing. I have not felt anything like (riding my bike).
About the school, I went to two schools in my entire life. I wasn’t a very good student, but neither a bad one. I enjoyed going to school because it was an opportunity to play with my friends, but I did not like doing homework… I really hated to, well today too.
In conclusion I can say that I had a happy childhood. I’m not saying that every past was better, but my childhood was good.
Well it’s all for today.
See you.

PD: If my "neighborhood friends" see this I got a message for you “Go to hell”